Yep, it's been 17 years since the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Day of the Dumpster, debuted and started not only one of the most successful kids franchises ever, but started a new era of kids TV. This pretty much started the series we all know and love: Power Rangers.
Wow. It's kinda hard to believe that it's been 17 years, but it has. You know, I have to admit, Power Rangers is one of the things that made my childhood great. Why? Just the action, the characters, everything. I just love this show. All of the memories I've had watching this show can never be forgotten, nor replaced.
With the 17th birthday here, I have a feeling that Power Rangers will go on for many more years to come. With Season 18 on the way, I sense a good future for the series.
Happy birthday, Power Rangers!! May the Power live on forever!
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