April 16, 2010

My Thoughts on Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

Well, it's time for another new installation in the series that just won't die. I am of course talking about Scooby-Doo! He's been around since 1969. Damn. Just damn. Well, anyway, I saw the premiere on YouTube and I have to say I was really impressed and an improvement from What's New, Scooby-Doo? I kinda liked WNSD, but it wasn't great. Anyway, let's talk about the episode.

Okay, the first thing I noticed is the animation is different. It looks like a cross breed between the original and WNSD. I have to say that it looks pretty cool. I also like how the teens are wearing the original outfits from the original series.

Anyway, about the characters themselves. For one, we actually see them going to high school, or at least we know they go to high school. Plus, I also find it interesting and cool that the voice actor for Shaggy is Matthew Lillard, who portrayed Shaggy in the live action movies in 2002 and 2004, since Casey Kasem, the original actor, had retired. Also, there also seems to be a relationship between Shaggy and Velma. Sure, there were hints in the past, but they were strictly on friendly terms. Now, their relationship is focused on greatly, and I find that cool. There is also the relationship between Fred and Daphne, thought Fred doesn't acknowledge it. Also, the voice of the sheriff in the first episode is voiced by Patrick Warburton, who voices Joe on Family Guy. What a coincidence.

Anyway, the episode itself was pretty good. Same formula as it is always. Monster shows up, clues being found, monster "caught", monster revealed, repeat. Although, the thing at the end of the episode is that Daphne was holding a gold locked shaped like a magnifying glass and a voice comes in, saying that the mystery is just beginning.

I would explain in more detail, but why do that when you can watch the episode on YouTube?

All in all, a pretty cool episode. The series is set to debut in the summer of 2010. Well, I'll end with this.


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